Saturday, April 3, 2010

WTF indeed

Not only would you wonder why one would put this online, but the correlation is also a bit off

Tiger ballet

Watch the tiger on the left. This, ladies and gentlemen, is how you quit a ballet company in style... You know some stage manager backstage was flipping his shit when he saw that

Home Depot

Is it me, or is this ad a bit disturbing. Let me share what I see: "Hahahaha, is that all you got? I've seen bigger". Home Depot, please rethink

Found it!!!

Took me some time to find it, but here is facebook's April fool's joke: dating application in cooperation with Zynga


Wait, what? Uhm, OK, what if I'm not into those kind of stuff? Can I ask for a smaller reward?

We can do this people!!!

Only 9.987.000 more people to go. Let's put our shoulders under this. Who comes up with this crap anyway

Nag a ram

Type "anagram" in google, and see what google suggests you. Well done, very clever


Be careful the order you join fan pages or groups. It might just turn out very awkward. In this case the term GILF could be coined

Fat seal

You can actually see the guy prepping himself "I can do this, I can do this...". Just a shame the video stops where he gets all exhausted.

Well, this is awkward

Guess he was just justifying stealing the good parking spots... don't be overpositive douche!!!


He's got a point there


Yeah, sometimes it's better not to tell anybody you lost something particular

I'm right on top of it

Brought my baseball bat, a knife, a couple of knuckle dusters... all in the trunk of my primary weapon of choice, my car :)


Anyone noticed this before? Or perhaps, their moms shared the same mailman

Now I get it

All this time it was so obvious. I'm guessing this image might be NSFW, unless you're a priest of course, in which case it IS SFW

You have never seen this before

Protective frame, preparing for metamorphosis. Nature never ceases to amaze me. Nothing funny, just very interesting and a bit educational

In Russia...

... accident has you. Russian motorist drives between two vehicles where one is towing the other with a chain, pulling both vehicles into his own. Don't you just love Russian self ownage

Ok sure

I'll be careful

Must be good

Without a doubt the best pizza ever. Pretty sure it tastes divine, but... wait a minute, is this my last supper?