Sunday, June 20, 2010


Hmm, I think internet beauty school might be a bad idea. Well, at least for the non anime people among us

Watch it until the end

A smile appeared on my face... cool proposal. Damn you, you just set the bar higher for us guys

Son of troll

Actually, her face, quite resembles it... Just look for "troll face" on google. Let's see, activities: twilight, yeah definitely a troll


Also known as virals, you can find all of theme here. In case your country just got connected to the internet

Not sure whether any of you would agree on this

Type in "worst band in the world" in the google search bar, and check "See results for...". Since I'm not too familiar with their music, I'll leave it to u

Ascii fun with google

If you type in "ascii art" in the google search bar, the result itself is an easter egg itself. How you do amuse us, google


Somebody found out google gets a little bit fabulous if you search for certain topics... Rainbow yaaay