Monday, June 21, 2010

Oh the nostalgia

I'm not sure this one will be missed by you. But for those who know the game, let the fun begin again!!!

If this is real...

Then for sure, this guy is epic

Oh Korea...

I am trying really hard not to laugh Korea, but why do you have to make it so impossible for me with my 12 year old sense of humor

Why, Louisiana...

I didn't think of that!!! That is just brilliant!!! By tomorrow, pooofff, the oil will be gone for sure

639 years

Who actually cares? And who will be there to follow up. This is stupid, I hope the church gets destroyed in 2639

Yeah, sure

Posting it on the internet will get you the right answer and no way will you be ridiculed. Because that's how we roll


I wonder what they were thinking when making this... It probably went like this "this tastes good, that too, and that too, so together, they must rock!!!"