Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Oh Europe

It's charming, have to say, but the traffic light for just a couple of meters is just borderline ridiculous.


Meanwhile in Thailand

WARNING: VERY graphic. They shoot sharp in Bangkok, April 10, 2010

Meanwhile in Australia

Well this is not quite facebook's fault of course... Man makes fake account, befriends a girl, stalks her to finally kill her


Yes, you read that correctly

That's her actual name. She probably doesn't know the implications of her name in the English language


Jocely T. Harder

The most disgusting twitter account you will ever see, ex.: "I haven't washed yet today, and I just mowed the lawn. My body odor is such that..."


Luckiest man on earth

Survived 7 near death experiences and goes on to win the lottery... Only to give the money away



Some of the reactions: "God I hope you are not serious because I just died laughing... I almost puked from laughing so hard... go to a counselor". nuf said


Seems people are getting fed up

Once again, I'm not looking for this information, but it seems that now we reached a peak point of where people are actually fed up with FB


Try it

The difficult part is probably getting the plastic and steel balls... I mean, where would you buy those

Landscape architecture

Unnoticed for 60 years, and then it hit us BAAMMM. Oh Hitler, you and your naughty ideas



So BP and Halliburton messed up things real good didn't they. Right now, they're so desperate that's they're open to ANY suggestions you might have


You know you want to

Go ahead do it. Because you won't listen to any advice anyway. So tempting, isn't it huh


Japanese marriage

When the word Japan sneaks into a sentence, it can go either way: technology or weird. This time, let's do both


Is that normal?

"This belongs under health, not dining out in San Fransisco"... In case of doubt, never ask your doctor, consult with the internet first
