Sunday, July 4, 2010

Facebook posts

This going to be a bit of a read here. Since quite a while you can see with what device you or your friends have posted something on facebook: blackberry, iphone, xbox, etc... It usually appears like a small icon below your post. What you didn't know is that you can post from virtually any device, as long as you know the codes. And of course, I will give them to you.

  1. login in facebook

  2. copy paste this: (with 74769995908 standing for an android device)

  3. change the key into:

    • iPhone (6628568379)

    • Blackberry (2254487659)

    • Palm (7081486362)

    • Sidekick (21810043296)

    • Sony Ericsson (38125372145)

    • Xbox LIVE (5747726667)

    • iPad (112930718741625)

    • Foursquare (86734274142)

  4. profit :)

May I suggest you posting from iPad


Yeah, I know, I'm risking to lose my audience here, but watch anyway, you could impress people

Best buddies

Probably childhood friends or so. Nobody better mess with that golden retriever, he's got some badass friends

Ratted out

With friends like these, you really don't need enemies. Although technically it's Mindy who is to blame


That's some pretty rancid sex you guys have there, Justin and Brooke. Or is Brooke just to dumb to spell correctly?

So you want to look like a douchebag

This product will get you pretty far. At least the name is clever and original... Oh wait...

What's that on your face?

It's safe to say that becoming CEO of some major multinational is ruled out now. If that's what he was going for that is