Friday, May 28, 2010

This will sicken you too

Soldier has a debt of $ 800, but is in Iraq. Bank foreclosed his $ 300.000 house to settle the debt and sold it for $ 3.500... You gotta love banks


Read this from bottom first to top. I bet the judge would react somewhat suprized... Assault by what?

This will end well

Next update: Ooooooohhhh shiiiiittttt... One after that: I'm in the hospital, and lost both legs

Are you ready...

For the most badass movie of the century? It's so awesome they even forgot to put Scwarzennegger in it!!!

Victorian computer

Most detailed and thorough computer modding I've come across so far. The USB stick and the webcam alone are full of win

Hot damn, that looks "tasty"

Ok serious now, convenient, yes, but tasty? I thought the concept of Asian food was it's freshness.

How cool is this!!!

I think I need my entire home filled with secret passages


It's strange that this hasn't become to be a groundbreaking classic novel. I guess Shawn Munjo is the pseudonym for Eric Cartman

Doesn't get any safer than this

Forget expensive locker safes, or complex alarm systems. Let me ask you something, would you even go near this?


No daddy, THIS is how you're supposed to fish

Dolph Lundgren

Yeah, I know, he comes off as a total douche, but guess again, he's probably smarter than you... Just read

Not sure how to tackle this...

Easy, start with blaming everybody else around, then when it really starts to soak in, start with thinking of a plan of how proceed

50 cent

He looks more like a penny now. Background info, he's preparing for a movie roll as a cancer patient

Talk about lucky

If he were a cat, he's got 8 lives left

Ground zero

Not to be an ass here, but I kinda agree with this guy, but for that matter, I would also disagree on having a church or synagogue there

Think again

If you're about to do something you're not supposed to do, don't follow Hollywood... That means, don't tell or unfold your plans!!!

Your tax dollars at work

Maybe one child needs to be left behind, or in this case, several. It would free up money for more useful projects

Brittany, just stop

Give up, don't bother the effort. If you don't get the subject or topic right, oh well, you might as well listen to Charles. Btw, it's Tourette

So ironic

Hassan, please learn English first before you submit yourself into further embarrassment.