Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A rare view in facebook

A smart and witty conversation. Using appendix is where he went wrong though. Appendix is the most useless team mate ever, the one you pick last

Different sounds

make different images.

100 $

Sadly, this is what most conversations go about nowadays... namely absolutely nothing at all.

Funny signs from around the world

New York Times is not all serious. Sometimes you can find some light digestible reading material

No matter what...

... he does, there will always people who disagree with his choices, actions and doings. Those people are called prejudiced

So what if you would like to talk to Aaron?

You can't even change the chat options. Regardless, I doubt that all of them are friends you actually talk to on regular basis

Easter egg credits

Did a bit research on the Big Bang Theory credits and it appears all Chuck Lorre's shows have these easter eggs

Big Bang Theory

I always click to another channel at the end, but this one time I didn't and look what I discovered

Cat family

1 is rescued and the other decides to go on his own adventure

Resize fail

Ice-T is taking over event invitations now. It starts to become an amateur product that facebook

"I'm pregnant"

Translation (I happen to speak a little dumbass): "Too shitty man! wtf I'm pregnant bitches have nothing to do in life but conversate on me! I guess motherfuckers want to start rumors about me. LMAO I laugh at these hoes

"I'm gay"

No, not me. This is what you get if you look up that sentence. Again, privacy is nowhere. Think again if you write something


Once more readers, this might seem innocent, but facebook is becoming nothing more than a data mining company that is selling your info to 3rd parties

Melanie's response

On this post. She just continues to live in her own world, ignoring that the truth - unlike what the X-flies proclaimed - might be out there

A good reminder

He broke up with Melanie a while ago and this is a good reminder of why he did well doing so... She's just impossible

Your mind will be fucked up

It's compelling to see the ramps going upward

Rumble in the jungle

In case you haven't heard, Facebook and Zynga (maker of FarmVille and Mafia Wars) are in a fight. FB is planning to make own games now, to get more data from you

I am appalled

It's spelled "pedophiles". And they forgot pedobear too, what's their angle on that? It's as well a pedophile as an animal and not in prison

Thanks for the suggestion

I think this mutual friend might want to get himself checked. Liking a famous ugly porn star with a large penis huh

A what lawyer?

I wonder what was in the email to trigger that ad. I'd like to go for the free consultation

Meanwhile in a mall in Beijing

Mickey Jesus!!! Not sure Walt would have liked this, but then again he wouldn't mind because it's a dead jew