Thursday, April 1, 2010

As it turns out...

... this was Google's prank on April's fool day, in reference to the real city in Kansas. I would have sworn the others were pranks too though

Well done

Dude the car keys were in there!!!

The colonel

This is for when you're hungry up in the air, but have no clue what to eat. Is that the actual restaurant I see on the left?


"Since I uploaded my condo to Google Docs I can sleep in my own bed regardless of where I am". You're confusing me Google, is this your April fool's?

Found them!!!

So that's where they've been hiding all along. Time to come out now and solve this crisis!!!

Oh good to know that

No, it's not a rooster performing tricks. But why would there be such an entry on wikipedia anyway?


"We have targeted our efforts on removing language barriers between the species" Can you say April fool's day? Or is it?


And yet, the code strikes again. This time in epic proportions. Never knew that it was a life hack too

All the single ladies... No, not you

WEEEEEEIIIIIIHHHHHH!!! He is not going to be happy about this clip when he's 18. Oh well, he'll be gay or cross dressing by then

What is your name?

And why didn't he just show his ID? Because he would have blown his secret identity. Funny thought, bin means "son of"...

And you thought breaking up over SMS was ridiculous...

Daniel, my man, you dodged a bullet. Praise the lord you didn't end up with this girl

This is just priceless

Just read, you'll know when you come to the WTF part. Best pun I've read in quite a while


And what was it you were referring to? I'm curious to understand the correlation between the image and something illegal in 12 states

How sure are you about that?

I don't know where you got that idea from, but you're not even close... Who am I kidding, you're spot on, "thank you" for reminding me


Why would a girl be a fan of this group? Don't they know they have no right to express sarcasm or irony? That's a man's territory

Dancing pig (weird humor from 1907)

Hands down the weirdest shit you will see this day, no make that this century... I have absolutely no idea what is going on in the first place, but the end is just creepy. WTF happened anyway???