Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The problem with America

I have more trouble understanding her point of view rather than deciphering what she wrote in her own spelling, and that says a lot


Remember Se7en?

The moment they find the notebooks in the apartment. Get this, it could be true. This guy as thousands of notebooks completely filled with only 1 single phrase. Can you say creepy?

What you didn't know

Although it still remains a source for amusement, I need to point out that it's not as friendly as they want you to believe



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Again, think first

What may sound funny to us guys, may not be funny to the opposite sex. So tread lightly dear fellows



At all times, if you have a girlfriend, think first before you talk, speak or type. Minor things can easily turn into something ugly


Probably the best self picture ever made

For sure it's the most unique. Although, he OCD in me wants to clean that visor, I'd have a hard time being an astronaut if my visor was always that dirty


Quite the Juxtaposition

Don't kid yourself, you go to A because you fear the judgment of others, but you actually simply want to go to B


Please let me die

Why, oh why must we continue this charade

Always thought this was a myth

Uggs and leggings she might as well throw away now. I can't imagine how much "liquid" they have absorbed... ewwwww


Look out, dude

Although the pillar will protect most of your body, be careful because you're arm is left unprotected


Pug cleaner

Don't forget to clean the inside of your computer screen. Disgusting, smelly, but luckily internet doesn't come with odor yet


Iggy Pop

Cool or disgusting? Cool, because he's not letting his old age make him modest or self-conscious. Disgusting, because well... look for yourself


Hmm scarecrow sprinkler huh

I wonder how it works, let me look at the pictures. Ooohhh, seems like a solid product to me, works even as a pedophile repellent
