Friday, April 30, 2010

The face of Jesus... oh how it makes me laugh!!!

Gas pains are a serious thing. Alternatively, dropping kids may have serious effects later

Really now?

Apparently this is a social issue in Germany (I'd like some confirmation here). I wouldn't like my dick touching the bowl though


Oh please yes, teach out about those aromatic smelling trees. How... what... I don't... wait, what???

Quite possible one of the best condom ads ever

Quite possible one of the best traffic ads ever? For sure drivers will go slower, or would they rather miss the entrance and crash?

Thursday, April 29, 2010

How did you think they delivered them?

Aww and they wrapped them up like presents too, how cute. That really does seem like bad parking but then I've never tried to reverse park a fighter jet.

The most awesome tool you will ever have

By the end of the video you will think, "have I just watched a 9 minute video about shovels?"... Yes, you did

You should have been there

It was an awful sight... Yeah, I bet it was. Kudos for the creativity and guts, but finishing touch is nowhere close

Can you say creepy?

I hope that the account holder is a guy and I hope Morgan is a cute girl, but other than that this is rather frightening

Mom rules

If your mom is as witty as this mom, you might want to refrain from adding her to your friends list


"For my research paper" suuuuure. Reply directly and not to the whole group, huh? OK, here we go.

Now this is a hard drive I could sink my teeth into

Do not use it as handle... hmmm, that's a great way to encourage people to bend their USB connectors, other than that, great design

You can actually hear his thoughts

Daaaaaiiiiiyuuuummmmm. what I wouldn't do... Looks like he's trying to hide an upcoming boner there

Mira Sorvino

Not as shy and classy as you might think she is

Lyon, France

Hmm, who was the urban planner in Lyon when this was designed? I can't imagine (s)he didn't pick up on this

Holy wuuttt???

I hope that child never has to make a family tree for homework in school. That is one awkward conversation, and a very weird tree

Oh, the wedding photos...

I'd like to see the photo showing the look on her face once she realizes both her and her husband's entire family just saw this.

Become the king of bluff

I don't understand why an African-American man can't be in the Krispy Kreme Krew. Or is it Kool Kids Klub?

You do not want to read this

Don't click this when you're still eating. It's rather NSFW so don't come crying I didn't warn you

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I see what you did there Kentucky

Thank you google maps for revealing this to us. Gotta lick it before you can stick it? Boner and Bever, huh...


Puerto Rico. That is downright creepy

Sharing something again

If you write "I've attached..." in an email, gmail won't let you forget to attach the document before sending.

I learned something new today

If you add the tilde (~) operator in front of a word while googling it, it also searches for that particular word's synonyms

Wonder why some friends’ updates do not show up in your live feed on Facebook?

Not all your friends are included in your live feed. Facebook allows a specific number of friends to appear in your live feed, they decide who does by their importance to you through their interactions with you but there is a maximum numbers of friends that appear on your feed.
There is a solution for that. In order to include more friends in your live feed, or to include (or exclude) specific friends: go to edit options on the bottom of your main page and modify (number, persons to delete, persons to add) there. Done

Mother of all trees

And whaddayaknow, she's a skank. She looks like somebody already hit it... with a truck

What would happen?

Admit it, the answer to most of these questions are probably what you wanted to know as well

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Funny what 30° of attitude can cause

Difference between 120° and 90°: go to the white section on the right and look for make "ang 120 (top first line) and change the 120 in 90. Press either of the run buttons down below. Your mind will be blown

Got me freaked out

Look at those legs moving, are those even human? Jabba the Hutt's daughter? What is iiiitttt???

Gosh, don't they teach anything anymore?

Or do students simply not pay attention anymore? This is getting from bad to worse. Let's hope brains will be used some day

You sure you want that permanently on your skin?

Oh ok, I see, you meant to do that because it wasn't going to even out and it looked weird. Gotcha

It's obvious

The people prove it. So does this teach us that there are not as much desperate girls as we thought?

Endless staircase

Just to prove that it doesn't only exist on paper. KPMG offices, München, Germany, now go there and climb it


This is probably what you get when you add Mr Bigglesworth, Tom, Felix and Tigger as friends


Actually, that's the very reason why it shouldn't be "stoped", next to "too". And what's with the "need's"?

Gotta hurt

You've got men, you've got Chuck Norris and then there is Clint Eastwood, and then you've got Australian football players

No photoshop

Nature can sometimes surprise you. Sienna hills, Italy, somewhere in Tuscany. Summer time

You'll see it soon enough

And then you'll laugh. Don't be so hard on them... Great pic, nice woods in that valley, etc...

Equilbirium found

Try it, you'll see you'll get surprising results. Pro tip: don't use the last sentence as a trustworthy translation


Not only among humans. White keeps black down? Not this time, the black ones are out of the wind, they're smarter

Best life decision ever?

This guy is smart and ambitious, he's going places in life. Is it safe to say he gets a LOT of girls?

Monday, April 26, 2010

Family conversation

Facebook is not the place where you would like to have them. Tara is being a good cousin though

Building an airplane

Thought it was interesting and educational in a not boring way

What Ross said

Upon reading this you will probably have to agree that it's pretty difficult to see that in a different light


If you want to know the true meaning of being one with the universe, follow me. And this is how we roll


... how excited can you be for a fight? Is this some kind of weird fetish we don't know about yet?


I can't help but think that this is somehow a firsthand experience... after that I felt a little bit sick

(un)fortunate picture of Cameron?

Leader of the Lib-Dems is cocks on the brain and hoping for a "hung" parliament. Queers, you might want to vote for him

I agree Google, it sure is

Knowing the nature of teenagers, you can only wonder why they would have picked this name.

Heads up people

The things happen more often than you think. It's bad enough if things are stolen from your luggage, but imagine something is put there and you're being framed for it. So suggestion, don't use suitcases with a zipper

The fuck is your problem

Every so often you get a perfect narration subtitle transfer on a pic series, this is one of those


Let's compare the president of the U.S. of A and the president (yes I'm not making a mistake here, coz, Medvedev... really?) of Russia

Missing a letter makes that a really crappy deal

Well, anybody can run a business like that. Probably a Dutch or a Scottish shop owner

Dude, I'm pretty sure that isn't a water fountain

Guess the water on the ground was just too dirty. But ssshhht, sprinkle genius doesn't know we're watching him

Nice loafers

When you're done with them, you can always make a sandwich. And to quote Mr Burns: "See my vest, made of gorilla chest"

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Next update:

First car accident. Next update: first hit and run. Next update: first car chase... And from then on it's for national TV, mission accomplished

Bully gets owned

Scott is 14 and about 5'5 tall. He's being picked on and bullied by Cameron because he's Asian. Cameron (bare chested with red trousers) is 16 and stands about 5'8 tall. Guess what happens. Crowd was all cheering for bully, but then "ohhww"

Earth day

Naah, in all circumstances, the Godfather trilogy is still the best. I mean, that movie fits all purposes

Yeah, that sums it up right there

You have to be strong to put that on your skin permanently. Not sure who the stupid one is here, tat artist or the person herself

Downrecih chilling

Hehe, I see what jew did there. How could i nazi that? Stop this conversation from going even führer... Oh god, I crack myself up :)

She doesn't know it yet...

... but soon she will be my girlfriend. Astrophysicist, model, winner of $1,7 million poker tournament, tv presenter...

Hovering boat

This is horrible. Nothing should be so beautiful... It is however a cruel reminder that I need to leave the house more

Wai Oh Ming

Ancient Chinese city with rich history and culture. I recommend you to go and visit it if you're in China

Taiwanese chair

My... mind... is... blown. Disregard the title, it's not Chinese, it's Taiwanese, trust me


Drew, could you please read what you posted again please? It means you want to do your mom, you knucklehead

Nevermind the incorrect password

What about the incorrect language? Would you care enough next time to edit this a little bit better?

If I owned an iPhone I'd totally buy this

I'd use it for my heated conversations, so I can slam the phone down when I'm done. Would be cool for other cellphones too

Tail hat

But what about his asshole now? Wouldn't that get cold? It is a brilliant evolutionary trait though

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Let's go fishing deering

Back home, John's wife would say "A deer??? I thought you went fishing? Are you cheating on me?"

Friday, April 23, 2010

And this...

... is why you keep your fantasies private. Shaun crashed and burned. Never had the chance to properly fly

And this is the difference between dogs and cats

Cats would probably go "So? Oh well, we had a good run, but I think I need myself new food suppliers"

How about the other way?

Is that possible? Or shall we go from France to Paris? Better yet, from Europe to Spain

Queen you say?

Even when sober? Why, Nat, I don't think we've met. Allow me to introduce myself and a friend of mine

Browsing through facebook

Found this nice collection of pics. Guess it's clear what Mike's profile is. Nothing is interes... heey #4 is still ok

I'm onto something guys

If you type "g" in the firefox address bar, it will take you straight to gmail. "tpb" is a free movie site ;) "b" brings you to 4chan. "c" directs to finance yahoo. put in comments if you find some more, i didn't try the entire alphabet... yet


Just found out you actually can drag and drop in gmail to attach files to your email. How cool is that.

Yes, like all of you I used to click attach, and browse through the files, but turns out gmail is so awesome it supports the drag and drop function of windows

Thank you me... Yeah I know, I'm great

Cool group

Nice outcome on your wall Marco. Yes people, this was done intentionally. I suggest girls to join it too

Dolphin tries to rape a girl

Smells good... check. Good swimmer... check. Female... check. Let the mating begin, you don't move, I'll do the work

Remember the Will Smith movie "I, Robot?

Ever wondered how they call it in Mexico? I felt compelled to read it in the American gangsta style

Umm, no it's not

Your a couple of thousand miles off. If that were to be the case, Europe had to ground all the planes for a good month probably


The cutest thing you'll see all day, maybe all week, for some people living in Afghanistan or so all life

Just do it, you know you want to

Come on, fist bump! Give it up, don't be such a lame ass. When you did it, I bet it's going to make you smile


Never seen it conceptualized as creative as here. Brilliant idea and awesome execution.

Think again bitches

Can someone translate this? I don't speak retarded. And does anybody know whether we could friend that volcano?


So I was trying to find the Caruso "yeaaahh" video from CSI. This is what I found


Yin and yang? Tuxedo? The way USA sees the world? Granted, the best answer is Ryan's. Took him 4 minutes to come up with that

That must have been awkward

No accidental titty grabbing in the dark for Mitch... "and the best part is that she tried to kiss me"

Forget big brother

This is the biggest brother. They really want to know everything you're doing, and now also the sites you've been visiting

Pot, meets kettle

You must not give user data to ad networks. Ads that display user data of any kind, or imply that they are using it, diminish users’ trust in how you use their information. Self knowledge?

Spam is getting stranger and stranger

I wish my spam was this interesting. All I get is the penis growing medicine bullshit

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Oh, Grandma

Well, Hooters is an option to sign up with. None too shy that grandma, and very self aware of her talents and capacities :)

Olivia Munn

Totally worth it to have Olivia Munn sit on your lap.

New Vatican franchise

The Vatican is looking for new ways to reposition themselves. The goal evidently, still remains the same, lure kids.

Yo' Momma

Ooooohhhh, that's messed up, yo! If you want to put the stress on big, go: Yo momma's so big, that they had to change "One size fit's all" to "One size fits most"

This shouldn't be right

Let's just assume that they liked the person, but mourn the fact that she passed on

Politics still gets people moved

450.000 people and counting. On another note, who the hell lists Farrah Fawcett as their favorite actress? What was the last legitimate movie she was in?

No facebook, I do not want to meet tatooed girls

No matter how many times you keep repeating that. Please place your ad on Jesse James' home page


So I tried to get on the Vatican's facebook and the secret question to get in was "What are catholic priests also called?" (no, not really)

Totally legit birthday candle

The fire alarm at the end is the best part

Why can't I see that

It would once and for all stop and shut up the girlie fans. So, yes please, let this happen


You are tired of your name and you chose THAT??? Oh well, why not, it's probably not going to affect your position as Bank President

USA vs Canada

Same insecure girls, but the proof that Canadians do not need to worry about their healthcare

Amazing balancing skills

And this is why you don't pass out around white people. But wait, can you actually get drunk from Bud Lites?

Meanwhile, somewhere in Belgium

I can only think of one thing when I see this logo. Yes, I know I'm damaged by the internet, and you probably too

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Be more specific next time

It's usually the guys who make jokes like these, but I'm happy to see that Jessica is joining in with her queefing suggestion

Hungry snake

Tortilla dog

New variety on hot dog, new at Taco Bell's. Get your menu for only 3,99 $... Taco Bell, nothing ordinary about it


If you join them in the right order, you might just get a cool result. If you don't get it, drop a line in the comments section

Easter egg

Found it!!! That wasn't too hard, next time try to hide it better. Then again, I guess it was all expected: "from the album..."

Teacher time, yeaaah

If you're not teaching in evening classes for adults, this might be considered as not very appropriate behaviour

French military is CRAP

And they only know it after an American told them so. The original name might have been closer to the truth

You really should give it a try Brian

You never know, you might just enjoy it. Josh, try a keyboard first, but wait, does that imply piano pedophilia?

Unleash the inner nerd

Not as good as apple girl, but still very entertaining.

I wonder why it hurts

Shortly after this message Katie's boyfriend replied with "carpal tunnel syndrome is acting up, hand and wrist are hurting"

Biggest bullshit ever

Actual internal document from Pepsi on the making of the new Pepsi logo. If you ever worked in a multinational company, you know how much BS it is

Well, do they?

I'll make this easy for you and sum up the answers: Yes, No, Yes, No, No (they always escape, you see), Yes, Yes, Yes, dunno, Yes

Get geared

To go back to college. College is not for studying? Wish somebody would have told me that.

Reese Witherspoon

Chuckled a bit there. I know, I'm childish for laughing at stupid jokes like these Shouldn't that be Withouterspoon?

Monday, April 19, 2010

Oh, Paul

From all that shit you just go that? Why sir, you are right, I'm with you here. And Eve, you don't suck at relationships, you just don't suck

Next time I'm travelling...

... I'm taking this guy as translator. It gets better after the first 40 secs or so, just keep watching.

I will attend

And I will order, hmmm, let's see, I kinda feel like having the salmon with children on the side, put me down for 2 portions each

I'm gonna whoop your ass

I'm not sure, but wouldn't he actually love to see that happening? Although maybe not from his own dad

Have you heard that joke?

Oh, I soooo heard that joke. Here's one you can tell: What did one gay sperm say to the other gay sperm? How do we find the egg in all this shit?!

OK, Michael

You do realize that this has written a big NO, NO all over, don't you. It doesn't exactly make it easier for you to pick up girls now

Somebody's horny

Horny, but patient. I can imagine that it must have taken a long time to put together. On a lesser not, it could be a serial killer too

What, no streetview?

The white spec in the middle is an alien spacecraft that just took off from the tiled runway

Those horns really come in handy

or should we just say horny altogether.

Sailing stones

Just as you thought you figured it all out, nature has found a new way to fuck with your mind

They should use this as their new logo

For those wondering, that's Missy Elliot in "Sock it 2 me". Youtube it to see the whole clip

Android vs iPhone

If you don't get this one, either you're not aware of what Apple cannot do, or, you just don't know much about superheros (in which case you have a life)


Seen people do this too, but it's funnier when a dog does it. Takes some skills not to break those pringles.

Oh Taylor

Let's get the word out, LSU NEEDS to loose for the sake of humanity (the male half that is). It's a written and thus BINDING contract!!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Victor killed Jesus

"It may be small, but as small as it is..." After that Jesus, couldn't come up with a good comeback, no matter how he prayed to God

Wait for it... wait for it...

Just pay attention to the plants in the background. Turns out they're not plants

Yeah, let's eat babies

I kinda lost my appetite, trying to imagine a pink frosted cookie with eyes, but clearly Cynthia and ArJay disagree with me

Now you will experience the full power of the dark side

Read that in the emperor's voice. In the light of the situation I thought that might be appropriate

Outraged kayak is outraged

Looks like the big brother of the killer in Scream. Or is it more like a rejected stormtrooper?

Should I go to the doctor?

I like " if your dad finds out you can sue the doctor, which is good money!" and what Gandrew says "It gets larger and it hurts"

That's informative, thank you ESPN

I think they just wanted to write "poo holes" somewhere on their site. You gotta admit, it's better than hearing people say puh-jewls

Saturday, April 17, 2010


I know for a fact that most of you will try and look it up. But trust me on this one, you will curse your curiosity, I know I did

This is how you enjoy the little things in life

So cute

Remember last week's Southpark episode?

Just remember what was said on that episode: don't be friends with this kid. It will kill your social status, life, rank, etc...

So you go to the Verizon wireless shop to just check your account?

Poor Betsy. Have couple of other suggestions: change religion to jedi, change relationship status with one of her friends (always a killer)...

You tell her, Tim

I sense an unfriend coming on. Personally, I think it must have been the Asshole application gone rogue

2006 was a crazy year

The hype gradually fazed out in 2007 and 2008. We need an expert on this matter here, explanation? (if you dare to that is :))

Answering the world's questions

About horses and all possible ideas you might have around that topic. This just tells us that some people didn't pay attention in biology class

Friday, April 16, 2010

And this is why you don't add strangers

Or is it "this is why you don't put slutty pictures on facebook"? It does qualify for SFW porn though

Too much time and a lack of brains...

... will give you this. The way he fell was still harmless, could have been a lot worse.

While still scrubbing the floor I should hope

She never heard this probably: Q-How many feminists does it take to change a light bulb? A-trick question, feminists can't change anything!

Stig drives a new car

Some say he's got too much time on his hands between series of Top Gear, and that this is where he got the only driving license he's ever had.

Suuuuuuure it's "thick" milk

Actually, what he SHOULD be worried about is the fact that if he hasn't worked out how to get splooge out of stuff by now, then he's screwed

Ride the what now???

Got a one more similar: those who are Santa Clara University Master's in Business Administration Graduates are called...

The customer care service is very supportive at AT&T

I like when customer service show that they are just regular people doing a job, makes me feel like they are on my side.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Attention whore

You know Mary, you wouldn't have so many damn "friends" on facebook, if you stopped adding them yourself. Stupidity³

Can someone explain what this is

I was expecting the microphone to be shoved into the mouth any moment. Other than that, I have no idea what this is


I can tell you one thing, if I would do this, my dad would probably kill me. But then again, he's not a redneck, so he doesn't drink that much

Poor guy

In his defense, I think I would speak for everybody that the more friends you have there, the less friends you have in real life


In some cultures, if you try to be polite when asked "is she cute?", you would answer "she has nice hair"... In this case, I'm not so sure what to say

Let's fence

The "winner" is the organism that inseminates the other; the winner becomes the father, the "loser" becomes the mother

This is interesting

So, Korea, could you tell us how this works? Are we to understand that privacy is not an issue in Korea?

Can't imagine that nobody ever asked the other question

Google is tip-toeing around to not offend certain people? It does work if you ask the question differently though: "why do black people"...

Giant snail

I'm having mixed feelings whether to find this creepy or cute

Facebook caterpillar

Teaching you how to lurk properly. I couldn't see it at first, so kudos and thumbs up for nature.

VERY fresh fish

Well, you sure get value for money

Possibly the biggest turn-off of a tattoo ever

NSFW warning. Wonder what happens if she gets pregnant. Will it stretch is such a way you can draw a foetus in there?

Stephen Hawking photobomb

Have to say, Hawking made the perfect photobomb face expression... Or is it the blue dude photobombing Stephen?

Fuck yeah, marines!

Marines in South of Afghanistan. It's simply amazing how therapeutic playing with a puppy is after months of combat.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

YAIKS, got the egg roll...

... now make sure I make a quick and clean getaway without being notic... DAMN YOU GOOGLE MAPS!!!

That's one happy Dobermann

I saw this a couple of years ago, and saw it again recently. Keeps cheering my day. In the middle they shut off the water supply and you can actually see the dog thinking "done already?"

Monday, April 12, 2010

There are entries that are funny, but this...

... this one's truly WTF. How did it end up there? Gotta say, I was skeptical at first, but that's a true WTF if I ever saw one

Is this a way to say "No Smoking" bluntly or more like "Smoking Once"

But don't worry, the fumes are not inflammable, they're just flammable (now read that in the voice of Dr. Nick Riviera of The Simpsons)

Don't you just love America

Where supermodels like Marissa Miller are more rule than exception. You know you'd hit that... probably because it has an own gravity zone

Don't worry, I wasn't even planning to

Who exactly is the target audience here? Catholic priests? In any case, I'll hire the guy who sold that sign

The Grapes of W(TF)rath

Very NSFW, and with that I mean Not Suitable For WORLD. DON'T show this to your priest, you might give the vatican some ideas

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Google likes hidden jokes I think

Go to google image search and type in "emu". Look at the second picture. Hit next, and keep your eye on it. Then hit next again, and again... Wait for it... Wait for it... Tadaaaa

Ready for some cuteness OD?

How adorable is this

Aaaah, found the gate to a parallel universe

Penis, penis, penis, mask, mask... more penis, guy jacking off, penis, penis, OH HEY... 'sup (NOT photoshopped btw)

Aaah, the classic Roadrunner cliff

We're just missing some ACME ordered devices and Wile E. Coyote... Just as you think cartoons were out of this world

eBay feedback

My suggestion? Quick, message them back and tell them a snake actually bit your dick!

Short but interesting read

Didn't know Jason Bourne was a Korean. Seems like it's not only the North-Koreans who lost their minds

Almost like Avatar

What's just missing are the blue creatures

Saturday, April 10, 2010

South Park

Couldn't leave this gem. And yes it's closer to reality than you might think. Full episode can be seen if you click here

Happy belated easter

I give you the easter egg

Devil's garden

It's in Kyrgyzstan. I guess this design is still open for discussion, so let's give the designer the benefit of the doubt.

Twitter girl follow up on the post below

She was surprised to find that Ice T actually responded to her tweet and apologized for it several times 1 2 3 4

Ice T doesn't take criticism very well it seems

I was a bit skeptical about this, so I went and checked, and I found the original tweets too (first, second). A little edgy?

Frog legs

A whole bunch of 'em. Spider frog, spider frog, does whatever a spider does. Can he swing from a web? No he can't cause he's a frog


I was like "hmm the guy in blue may be a bit out of fashion, but he still doesn't deserve our disapprovvv... OOOOHHHHH THAT guy!!!"

That's is just simply lazy

Well, porn doesn't need too much marketing that's for sure, but this is pure laziness. Who would click that actually

Star wars walking drones prototype

Had to make sure for a while that it was 2 people carrying something. Creepiest robot so far (let's not take Japan into consideration)

Friday, April 9, 2010

I'm glad we have made some progress

We went from being easily amused and chuckling to actually being aroused with images on demand. Long live progress :)

I can see some sense in that

Heck I would be excited too. Come to think of it, there is no way this headline is NOT intentional

Only $29,99

I'm guessing Osama doesn't have internet yet, or if he does, he just doesn't know how to find Amazon

With Tiger, this can go bothways

And I'm sure the first thing on your mind wasn't golf at all. Oh Tiger, how you amuse us with your shenanigans.

I'll read anything that ends with "Incident"

In 60 years, on a distant planet, the son of a Chinese peasant will be born... He said that for 40 minutes, he had sexual intercourse -> based on this: bullshit

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Gotta love dad

Hope she keeps her sense of humor after she teaches him how to use twitter... IF she hasn't committed suicide by then

It's an uphill battle

First one was impressive, Second one is epic. That dude almost went vertically. Just a little bit more and we would have had a fail video instead of a win


I think it's safe to say that we're dealing with a rash around the pubic area. The 7 likes are beyond me though

Smart call

The sheer stupidity of people sometimes keeps striking me. Why would she actually even bother to share this


I think you made your point quite clearly now. Territorial protection is not only a man's thing so it seems

Dropped out too soon did you?

So what would that sound like... Oh, say! can you see by the dawn's early light, America fuck yeah? Doesn't sound to classy


It doesn't take a lot of science and technology to create a new color. Just check with Candace

Dear lord

What in the name of heaven are you trying to make? An ingestible spicy and refreshing nuclear device?

Brilliantly self inflicted wedgie

I'm guessing it's his first time skiing, because that kind of a pain, you just don't want to re-experience

Kinda brings morning breath into a whole different perspective

So the photographer's first thought wasn't, 'That's unhygienic, let me move him,' it was, 'That's hilarious, where's the camera? Pure internet win


I pity the Korean who learned from this site and tries to be polite and friendly in English

Doesn't this qualify as racism?

Is this actually a common expression? Anybody speaking Spanish feel free to fill in here.


My buddy from China doesn't understand why I insist on him using his full name when he sends packages. Get's me chuckling every time

Hey, I need some prepping

You got some of that deodorant left, I think I saw a cute guy/girl (whatever your fantasy allows you)

It's almost summer

Let's have some fun and start doing this.

Dragon shark

The rarest shark ever. Truly a "living fossil"

No prom for you Constance McMillen :(

Girl is given invitation to a fake prom, while everybody goes to the real thing. Afterward they make a group to mock her... WTF people???

Remember the most awesome guy?

He has a fan page now. Turns out Suparman is a common Indonesian name, so Kudos for the parents to make the combination

Charlie Sheen

I'm guessing that people on google search really must not like Charlie at all.

Chrome 3D

It's a week late, but found another one of them April pranks of Google. They do put effort in pranking people

Thanks for the suggestion

Oh Jesus and dinosaurs, don't we all love the randomness of this query. But aside from those 2, I like my butts just perfect, not too big, not too small

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Divers against google

Watch the 2 sitting persons on the left. Drive down towards them, pass by and don't forget to look backwards


"To serve and protect" is not the motto of Brazilian police it seems. Look at that hand

That's a lot of work

Were they anticipating google earth or anything? I can't see why you would want to put effort in this


I love this picture. The set up is just perfect: the douchebag on the male elephant, the prude older woman startled, the strange amount of elephantine vaginal lubricant splashed everywhere


This page is in Dutch, would you like to translate it? Why yes, that would be helpful. Never thought Dutch was so difficult

Welcome to Italy

As awesome as it is, I'm confused, whether it's a warning sign or rather informational. Should we stop or drive more carefully?

Anthony Hopkins

Anthony Hopkins is on trial for killing his wife and stuffing her dead corpse in a freezer. I'm warning you, you're gonna feel tricked :)

Two and a half men

Remember (bookmark is probably easier) this link, you probably want to come back to see this when you're bored. Continuous broadcast ladies and gentlemen

Earthquake & easter

"It was their time"... We just need him to do his magic on the taliban and everything will work out just fine

Gaylord Silly

I've received a tremendous amount of enjoyment from this whole situation. The name, the occupation, everything. It's just full of internet win.

Can you say stalker?

Mr Lee went to the Chinese embassy to find this when he got back home. Or alternatively: Damn those Chinese intelligence officers are good

Wikipedia.... is this really necessary?

Why yes, of course it's necessary. What if I wanted to kill 88 babies? Then I'd look like a noob just showing up with one sea wasp.


Most confusing comparison, wikipedia. I could imagine that there are a whole lot of people who don't know what RAM is, thank God for the golf ball

Gang violence

I'm sure there are guys who would pay a shitload of money to be beaten up by those girls... Daisuke always came back for more


Oh those dinosaurs, welcome aboard. Hey, hey, hey, let's try and smoke weed everyday. Doesn't make sense? Yeah, weed does that to you

Forget Iron Man in the red suit

THIS is the real Iron Man. There, I saved you 10 $ on tickets (skip to the 2:50 mark)

Some people just shouldn't get married

Simply because of the wedding invitations or how you will be remembered by as a couple for the rest of your life

I'll buy it!

NOT! One can only wonder... But if anyone is interested PM me: I am both a manufacturer and distributor of pee and poo.

Ehm, what are you doing there?

And more importantly, why is there a statue made of this? Please DO SHARE, if you know the explanation

Jesus is shocking people at grad school

Not quite flipping the bird, but I guess you could say two in the pink and one in the stink. Word up Jesus

Facebook is afraid of CIA?

By now you should have seen (on other sites) what the military did in Iraq. This guy tried to post it on his account, see what facebook did :)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


What? You're still using Internet Exploder? C'mon man, relax a bit, use Chrome, much better, you'll love it


That has got to hurt. But at least this guy proves he thinks with his head and not with his... Still being able to make the play after such a hit, he saved the day


You be the judge whether this cutie is drooling because it sees it's next training lunch or just saying "you're ugly as shit"

'sup dawg

So you thought you were cool huh. Guess you haven't seen this yet. Send us a picture if you think you're cooler than this

You know that fairytale about the rabbit and the turle?

The rabbit was sure to win the race because he was just faster. No hold on, we need to rewrite that


This one is a very dedicated one... because looking like the real douchebag than silly things like comfort

Happy easter

NSFW!!! I'm not kidding. Although in Europe this might not even be anywhere near NSFW

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Before you laugh or shake your head in disapproval, just admit it, you do it too. This is getting out of hand though

Laughter IS contagious

I dare you to watch this and not laugh. It's the first 4 minutes that do it, you can skip the rest.

MySpace HQ

A while ago there was a post on what facebook's HQ looked like. Today, I'll show you MySpace's HQ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Now that's something else

I haven't used a pencil in ages, but for this, I'd start using them again. The inventor should be assessed by psychiatrists though


Somehow I can't imagine somebody who has access to google, wanting to know something like this. If you're a redneck on the other hand...

Too much time...

... a whole lot of pennies and too little friends, will get you to build structures like this. Have to say, not bad at all

Nice city planning

You would actually wonder whether this was done intentionally. It seems almost unlikely this was done by accident

Saturday, April 3, 2010

WTF indeed

Not only would you wonder why one would put this online, but the correlation is also a bit off

Tiger ballet

Watch the tiger on the left. This, ladies and gentlemen, is how you quit a ballet company in style... You know some stage manager backstage was flipping his shit when he saw that

Home Depot

Is it me, or is this ad a bit disturbing. Let me share what I see: "Hahahaha, is that all you got? I've seen bigger". Home Depot, please rethink

Found it!!!

Took me some time to find it, but here is facebook's April fool's joke: dating application in cooperation with Zynga


Wait, what? Uhm, OK, what if I'm not into those kind of stuff? Can I ask for a smaller reward?

We can do this people!!!

Only 9.987.000 more people to go. Let's put our shoulders under this. Who comes up with this crap anyway

Nag a ram

Type "anagram" in google, and see what google suggests you. Well done, very clever


Be careful the order you join fan pages or groups. It might just turn out very awkward. In this case the term GILF could be coined

Fat seal

You can actually see the guy prepping himself "I can do this, I can do this...". Just a shame the video stops where he gets all exhausted.

Well, this is awkward

Guess he was just justifying stealing the good parking spots... don't be overpositive douche!!!


He's got a point there


Yeah, sometimes it's better not to tell anybody you lost something particular

I'm right on top of it

Brought my baseball bat, a knife, a couple of knuckle dusters... all in the trunk of my primary weapon of choice, my car :)


Anyone noticed this before? Or perhaps, their moms shared the same mailman

Now I get it

All this time it was so obvious. I'm guessing this image might be NSFW, unless you're a priest of course, in which case it IS SFW

You have never seen this before

Protective frame, preparing for metamorphosis. Nature never ceases to amaze me. Nothing funny, just very interesting and a bit educational

In Russia...

... accident has you. Russian motorist drives between two vehicles where one is towing the other with a chain, pulling both vehicles into his own. Don't you just love Russian self ownage

Ok sure

I'll be careful

Must be good

Without a doubt the best pizza ever. Pretty sure it tastes divine, but... wait a minute, is this my last supper?

Friday, April 2, 2010


The police don't think much of me, sniff... Then again, the police don't think much of anyone who isn't police

Obama roll

I can barely keep the filling in the middle of the sushi rice, so for me, this guy has some sick skills

I'll show you how it's done

Just in case you didn't know it yet, and you're retarded, and never have seen a baby in your entire life


... pssst, hey Bill, come and look at this. Look whe-ooohhh whow, that IS nice. So what time do you get off, we'll ask them out

White hawk down

actually white hawk aaaaaaalmost up... These 3 Somali guys had a dream of making their own helicopter. They designed and built their own helicopter in their own backyard using scrap metals and an old engine from a van. I doubt it will ever take off though. The damn thing shakes like a vibrating bed. Pure internet win :)

Shall I?

Ooohhh the agony, should I comment on the pastor's message or not. Maybe better not, they might invade my house and claim the oil

Now that's real brave

the man, I mean. To be seen with a whale like that, in a skirt that short, pulled up and bent over on a racing bike sure takes courage


By now you should realize that google has made it an entire project to prank the world in as much ways as possible on April 1st

Search speed

Has anyone ever noticed this before. This is not part of the huge April fool's project of 2010


Freaked out a hell lot of people. Best part is that I didn't notice it myself. Babyboomers however get a heart attack if even 1 single thing is out of place

Thursday, April 1, 2010

As it turns out...

... this was Google's prank on April's fool day, in reference to the real city in Kansas. I would have sworn the others were pranks too though

Well done

Dude the car keys were in there!!!

The colonel

This is for when you're hungry up in the air, but have no clue what to eat. Is that the actual restaurant I see on the left?


"Since I uploaded my condo to Google Docs I can sleep in my own bed regardless of where I am". You're confusing me Google, is this your April fool's?

Found them!!!

So that's where they've been hiding all along. Time to come out now and solve this crisis!!!

Oh good to know that

No, it's not a rooster performing tricks. But why would there be such an entry on wikipedia anyway?


"We have targeted our efforts on removing language barriers between the species" Can you say April fool's day? Or is it?


And yet, the code strikes again. This time in epic proportions. Never knew that it was a life hack too

All the single ladies... No, not you

WEEEEEEIIIIIIHHHHHH!!! He is not going to be happy about this clip when he's 18. Oh well, he'll be gay or cross dressing by then

What is your name?

And why didn't he just show his ID? Because he would have blown his secret identity. Funny thought, bin means "son of"...

And you thought breaking up over SMS was ridiculous...

Daniel, my man, you dodged a bullet. Praise the lord you didn't end up with this girl

This is just priceless

Just read, you'll know when you come to the WTF part. Best pun I've read in quite a while


And what was it you were referring to? I'm curious to understand the correlation between the image and something illegal in 12 states

How sure are you about that?

I don't know where you got that idea from, but you're not even close... Who am I kidding, you're spot on, "thank you" for reminding me


Why would a girl be a fan of this group? Don't they know they have no right to express sarcasm or irony? That's a man's territory

Dancing pig (weird humor from 1907)

Hands down the weirdest shit you will see this day, no make that this century... I have absolutely no idea what is going on in the first place, but the end is just creepy. WTF happened anyway???