Monday, April 12, 2010

There are entries that are funny, but this...

... this one's truly WTF. How did it end up there? Gotta say, I was skeptical at first, but that's a true WTF if I ever saw one

Is this a way to say "No Smoking" bluntly or more like "Smoking Once"

But don't worry, the fumes are not inflammable, they're just flammable (now read that in the voice of Dr. Nick Riviera of The Simpsons)

Don't you just love America

Where supermodels like Marissa Miller are more rule than exception. You know you'd hit that... probably because it has an own gravity zone

Don't worry, I wasn't even planning to

Who exactly is the target audience here? Catholic priests? In any case, I'll hire the guy who sold that sign

The Grapes of W(TF)rath

Very NSFW, and with that I mean Not Suitable For WORLD. DON'T show this to your priest, you might give the vatican some ideas