Saturday, April 17, 2010


I know for a fact that most of you will try and look it up. But trust me on this one, you will curse your curiosity, I know I did

This is how you enjoy the little things in life

So cute

Remember last week's Southpark episode?

Just remember what was said on that episode: don't be friends with this kid. It will kill your social status, life, rank, etc...

So you go to the Verizon wireless shop to just check your account?

Poor Betsy. Have couple of other suggestions: change religion to jedi, change relationship status with one of her friends (always a killer)...

You tell her, Tim

I sense an unfriend coming on. Personally, I think it must have been the Asshole application gone rogue

2006 was a crazy year

The hype gradually fazed out in 2007 and 2008. We need an expert on this matter here, explanation? (if you dare to that is :))

Answering the world's questions

About horses and all possible ideas you might have around that topic. This just tells us that some people didn't pay attention in biology class