Monday, June 14, 2010

What is it?

If you don't know what it is, and you feel compelled to google it, may I suggest you DON'T do it at work?

Sulfur Hexafluoride

Holy shit it's a goa'uld!!!

I hate...

Ally might be on to something here. Forward to atheism then? Coz that Jesus Daily must be a boring read, since, well, he's dead

Courtesy flush

Who's trolling who? Either she is that retarded, either she's very subtle in tackling him

Reminder from Angela

I'm trying to figure out how she managed to change clothes... She must be related to Montgomery Burns

White House for sale

Picked this story up on NBC and looked for the original article. They must really be needing the money badly

Worldcup simulator

If you're in America, you won't understand this. However if you're an avid soccer/football fan, then you will understand this (Chrome or Firefox)

Father's day

A little late maybe, but still funny. Go straight to the poll. You'll know when to say "Uhh, what???"

Goblin shark

Together with the hammer shark it probably ranks among the weirdest sharks

Mmmm, tasty

"They tasted sweet and a little crunchy." Good to know, now I don't have to try out to find out

Slippery dick

Hey Joe, what did you do today? Oh me, I caught a slippery dick, and man, it was hard to get my hands on it...

Become an interesting person

Memorize this list and exhibit your knowledge at parties. No seriously, it's a pretty cool thing to know


You probably don't understand what that meant. In simpler wording: "where is the other side of the world from your exact location?"

Is it true?

Let's just assume that this is a troll. It's still surprising how many people answer trolls seriously