Sunday, April 25, 2010

Next update:

First car accident. Next update: first hit and run. Next update: first car chase... And from then on it's for national TV, mission accomplished

Bully gets owned

Scott is 14 and about 5'5 tall. He's being picked on and bullied by Cameron because he's Asian. Cameron (bare chested with red trousers) is 16 and stands about 5'8 tall. Guess what happens. Crowd was all cheering for bully, but then "ohhww"

Earth day

Naah, in all circumstances, the Godfather trilogy is still the best. I mean, that movie fits all purposes

Yeah, that sums it up right there

You have to be strong to put that on your skin permanently. Not sure who the stupid one is here, tat artist or the person herself

Downrecih chilling

Hehe, I see what jew did there. How could i nazi that? Stop this conversation from going even führer... Oh god, I crack myself up :)

She doesn't know it yet...

... but soon she will be my girlfriend. Astrophysicist, model, winner of $1,7 million poker tournament, tv presenter...

Hovering boat

This is horrible. Nothing should be so beautiful... It is however a cruel reminder that I need to leave the house more

Wai Oh Ming

Ancient Chinese city with rich history and culture. I recommend you to go and visit it if you're in China

Taiwanese chair

My... mind... is... blown. Disregard the title, it's not Chinese, it's Taiwanese, trust me


Drew, could you please read what you posted again please? It means you want to do your mom, you knucklehead

Nevermind the incorrect password

What about the incorrect language? Would you care enough next time to edit this a little bit better?

If I owned an iPhone I'd totally buy this

I'd use it for my heated conversations, so I can slam the phone down when I'm done. Would be cool for other cellphones too

Tail hat

But what about his asshole now? Wouldn't that get cold? It is a brilliant evolutionary trait though