Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Did it hurt?

I guess we can't mind officials saying silly shit like this on record because it means that he's got a sense of humor.


The Swindon magic roundabout

You need to have a friggin' PhD to be able to find your bearings in this town. I'm guessing the designer was an IT-guy


But of course

That IS the fastest and surely most direct walking way between 2 points. I hope your search engines work better google


The gates of hell

They are opened in Honduras now. The article might educate you, but the pictures say enough basically


Really FarmVille?

I've never played the game, but this comes off as wrong on so many levels, I don't even know where to start


Invisible bee attack

Everything goes fine until the 1:00 mark. Then the shit hits the fan

Why, yes it is

Regardless of the weather being nice or not, I bet you prefer to sit in front of your computer... How sad society has become


Is that a child right there?

Why yes it is. Would you like her to see both of us naked then? Or just the child. Great parenting here



Ryan, the defender of the male gender. Then again, the female humiliator sounds better


Gramma nazis

Always around to teach others a lesson when they need it so badly. And no, I'm not being sarcastic
