Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Funny what 30° of attitude can cause

Difference between 120° and 90°: go to the white section on the right and look for make "ang 120 (top first line) and change the 120 in 90. Press either of the run buttons down below. Your mind will be blown


Got me freaked out

Look at those legs moving, are those even human? Jabba the Hutt's daughter? What is iiiitttt???

Gosh, don't they teach anything anymore?

Or do students simply not pay attention anymore? This is getting from bad to worse. Let's hope brains will be used some day


You sure you want that permanently on your skin?

Oh ok, I see, you meant to do that because it wasn't going to even out and it looked weird. Gotcha


It's obvious

The people prove it. So does this teach us that there are not as much desperate girls as we thought?


Endless staircase

Just to prove that it doesn't only exist on paper. KPMG offices, München, Germany, now go there and climb it



This is probably what you get when you add Mr Bigglesworth, Tom, Felix and Tigger as friends



Actually, that's the very reason why it shouldn't be "stoped", next to "too". And what's with the "need's"?


Gotta hurt

You've got men, you've got Chuck Norris and then there is Clint Eastwood, and then you've got Australian football players

No photoshop

Nature can sometimes surprise you. Sienna hills, Italy, somewhere in Tuscany. Summer time


You'll see it soon enough

And then you'll laugh. Don't be so hard on them... Great pic, nice woods in that valley, etc...


Equilbirium found

Try it, you'll see you'll get surprising results. Pro tip: don't use the last sentence as a trustworthy translation



Not only among humans. White keeps black down? Not this time, the black ones are out of the wind, they're smarter


Best life decision ever?

This guy is smart and ambitious, he's going places in life. Is it safe to say he gets a LOT of girls?
