Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The oil spill disaster

So you think you have a good idea how how big the disaster is huh? WRONG, you don't have a single clue how terrible they messed up

Lego printer

Why? Because it's possible, that's why

Secret underground city

Chairman Mao built an entire underground city under Beijing. It was supposed to hold all 6 million residents in the case of a nuclear war

Now here's a cookbook

A cookbook you don't see every day that is. Ingredients are not so hard to come by (whoaaah, what a pun there)

Nailed it

The comment is a win, the action (on both accounts) is a fail... Although in the case of BP that should be INaction

Just so you know

In case you want to reserve the domain name, or, it's not possible... BBC owns it

E-bay feedback

This guy writes hilarious ones... I bet he only buys things for which he has witty comments already prepared.

Well, that's different

Protip: 1. don't make a comment in which it is made clear she is your mother; 2. Unfriend her... done

A loooooot of patience

That's what you can learn from Asians. I wonder how long it took to train these fish to swim in formation

Superhero recognition

Clearly not her strongest point. I wonder if the guy would still date her after finding out she fails at the superhero test

Indeed you are

And an utmost annoying one too may I say. And more on topic... wouldn't we love to know whether she stayed eventually?

Hmm, what shall I click

I'll have to go with trolling on this one, and thus I feel compelled to troll back, but then again, if it were true...

If you want to wate an hour

By all means, click on the link below. Easy concept, no frills, no yadayada, but you will be captivated

Fish with hands

Check out the most recent discovery, before those fucktards at BP destroy everything... Pretty damn craaazy

Yes this is art

When at first you don't see it, look again. When you still don't see it, try ctrl+a or just select everything with your mouse


They will be divorced within 2 years when he comes out of the closet. Alternatively, Thanks for making the rest of us guys look bad

Now THIS is confusing

In the UK they've started to spiral out the lanes so that for the 3rd and final exit the lane markings throw you out from the middle... Go figure