Thursday, May 20, 2010


It's not just reddit (an online forum) but most likely the whole internet. Oh and misogynist = woman hater (for all you illiterate people)

No Arms, No Legs, No Worries

Think you can't do it? Well, fuck you...

Eerie fence graffiti

But oh so cool. It's a rare occasion that people would find graffiti cool, but this would rank pretty high

Wait, what?!?

Is this her idea of being practical? I don't want to be prude or anything, but this is a bit of a gray area here

You know what they say about stupid questions?

Let's just assume that for a change it's a genuine question and not an attempt to troll on the internet

Somebody has been busy

You've probably seen a shitload of animated .gif's by now, but none will even match the coolness of this one.

1980 <-> 2010

30 years apart, a world of difference, same geekyness. Please don't ask what those things are in the first picture, makes me feel old

Oh that looks interesting

Are you done yet with that page? You've been on it forever. Turn it already, I need to know how the story ends!!!

Birthday flashmob

Not fake, the bus driver just has a cool employer. Setting: Denmark, May 5, 2010, birthday of Mukhtar
(are my eyes wet again??? Damn, must be those onions)

Unexpected answers of little girl bring mother to tears

Let's go with shocked rather than touched. I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. I mean we are talking about Georgia here

Come on, really now?

Can anybody see how this could be comfortable? Not to mention dangerous. Does he need to do pull-ups while riding or what?

Sound familiar?

Change the year into a more recent one, alter a the names of the company, and you pretty much got the war in Iraq. Business as usual for the USA

What is a kite?

As you may have noticed, browsing wikipedia can be amazing. It's like finding a nice internet graffiti. Try it

Wikipedia on Pamela Anderson

And this is the perfect example why Wikipedia is not a valid source for school papers. They seemed to have updated it, but there is a cache